Monday, July 28, 2008

Pool Fuzzies?

So I've been guarding this summer to earn some extra money. Mostly to feed my car actually... Hey Scientists! You need to start researching new car food! Like antimatter... Speaking of antimatter, ANGELS AND DEMONS!!!!! That is a good book, you should read it.

Anyways, being a lifeguard is exciting stuff. Like today, I was on stand when I noticed something floating around in the air above me. That's odd I thought to myself... Mind you I was guarding at the indoor pool. Upon further investigation, I realized that this 'floatie' was one of those fluffy guys you blow off of dandy-lions (haha, that was a sad attempt to spell that word), only it was the jumbo kind, and it didn't have the little umbrella stem thing. You know the kind I mean? Needless to say I was utterly confused.

How would that fuzzie even get close to the pool!? I mean it would have to fly in through the front door, float down the hall, navigate the maze of locker rooms, and then finally come out onto the pool deck. What kind of fuzzie would take the time to do that!? I also wasn't quite sure why that fuzzie hadn't landed in the water. Our pool has a sort of water playground, with lots of fountains spraying water into the air, the same air the fuzzie was flying around in. This is like the invincible fuzz! What is that all about!?

I still haven't figured it out... maybe someone's just messin' with me...

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