My job makes me hate food. Seriously. I work at Utah Foods, this huge catering business located at the Salt Palace in down town salt lake city. Today, me and my friends that I work with had to put pasta salad into these tiny cups and seal it. Guess how much pasta salad we had to do this with. 8 tubs worth. Each tub holds about the same amount as a standard size bath tub.
Needless to say, I used to really like pasta salad. But after five hours of stuffing the nasty concoction into tiny cups, I really HATE it. What IS it anyway? Some noodles.... some veggies... all drenched in a weird dressing. Who thought this stuff up? After each hour that I worked, the pasta salad began to become just a little more repulsive to me. The dressing looked like slobbery drool, the veggies were diced so small that they became this huge sloshy mess, and the noodles were soggy. The smell of the stuff will forever haunt my dreams...
My job has killed many great foods for me in this same manner such as egg rolls, sandwiches, and my used-to-be-favorite tacos. If I keep working at this place, I will eventually starve to death... AND THE NERVE OF THE PEOPLE!! For lunch, they tried to serve us a DIFFERENT kind of pasta salad, but I know better... everyone working passed it up. They think that just because the noodles are differently shaped, it will be more appealing!? I think NOT!!
I need a new job...
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