Friday, July 31, 2009


A few weeks back, Alan, Ashbocker, and I went to see X-Men Origins. (Every time I try to say that, it comes out as X-Men Oranges.) Shannon needed to take her ipod to that one place to get it fixed, so we went to the gateway! The movie was AWESOME except for you totally see Wolverine's butt. . yikes. . . I mean that guy is SO hairy. Anyway, after the movie we passed this little kiosk that had a ton of those quarter machines on it. One of them had these tiny squishy little animals in it and Alan went CRAZY!! I've never seen him get quite so impulsive. I think we got like, three dollars worth, and then we went to the ipod store. While Shannon was getting her ipod fixed, Alan and I were sitting on those squishy poufs playing KidPix and drawing pictures and we got to laughing SO hard about something that I can't even remember! After laughing so incredibly hard, Alan goes, "Oh man. . . we really need quarters. ." Whish in turn, made us start to laugh again! (Another time in which I almost peed my pants from laughing so hard.) Shannon kept throwing us dirty looks because apparantly we were "embarrassing her" lol! So her ipod is fixed and we walk to the car while playing with these squishy animals and Alan realizes that there are probably more quarters in the car. . So we all went to the car, scrounged for quarters, then went running to the quarter machines!! (We left Shannon in the car lol!!) (For those of you who are confused, whenever I refer to Shannon, I mean Shannon Ashbocker. I'm not a weirdie who talks in 3rd person.) I tripped a tiny bit on the way back and Alan and I were out of control laughing again. We put them all on the dashboard of Shannon's car and took a picture. The funny thing is. . we were so obsessed with getting those squishy animals, and now I don't even know where they are . . he he :)

"Oh man. . . we really need quarters :)"

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