Thursday, August 14, 2008

Candy Shop Windows

My family and I were on a trip to Yellowstone, when we visited an old west type ghost town called Virginia City (or was is Nevada City? I forget, we did visit both though... At one of them we got to pan for gold! It was pretty awesome!)

Anyways there was an old fashioned candy shop there, as part of the town. We had just finished walking through it, when the candy people started making a batch of cinnamon taffy right in the display window! Well, I guess they weren't really making it but they were cutting up the big blob of taffy and wraping in in little papers, but it was pretty cool nontheless.

As we were enjoying the smell of fresh taffy and watching the inner working of the taffy wraping buisness, I found myself going in for a closer look and... BONK! I totally smacked my head on the window! The people inside tried not to laugh, but how do you not laugh at that? Outside, me and the fam were cracking up! Before we left, the workers came out and gave us some free samples of the cinnamon taffy they were wraping.

Good times! :)

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