Today, Alan and I went to Jared's! "It can only be jarrrEEEEEDDD!!!" And I got a job application! Hopefully, after sending in hundreds of applications all over the valley, these people will be smart enough to hire me. :) Anywho, after getting my thing, we went to starbucks as usual.

yesh, and now i still shmell like coffeeee! hee hee! we also watched this 1989 animated series for The Legend of Zelda. Hahahahah it was kinda funny. all of the colors kept changing and Link's head got bigger when said "I'll do anything for you Zelda!" *widening head* . . . . .
Also, Link was a total horn-dog and kept trying to get Zelda to kiss him. It made me sad because that's not the Link I know and love . . . Before and after the cartoon started, there was this HILARIOUS Mario thing!! It was of these two real-life fat guys dressed as Mario and Luigi dancing around and singing and I almost peed my pants. . . yikes . . That's when I realized that there is an old Mario cartoon show, too!! The sad thing about the Legend of Zelda one is that there are only three discs and it says on the cover "The complete series!" I guess it didn't too well . . .
heh heh! Lets give you a bit of an excerpt from the back cover. . .
"The animated series The Legend of Zelda debuted in 1989 on Fridays during the Super Mario Brothers Super Show! week daily broadcast. It originally aired in conjunction with the first Legend of Zelda game release and breathes life into the characters of Link, Zelda, and the evil wizard, Ganon-- fleshing out their personalities with a little bit of romance and a DASH of humor!"
BAH ha ha ha ha! I'm pretty sure that this was really funny. . . MOBLINS!!
This show saddened me a little bit. . . I never thought Link was that loud and obnoxious. His catchphrase was, "Well exCUUUUUUUUUse ME, Princess!" After four times, it got a little annoying.
yesh. . . Also, Zelda had REEEALLY poofy hair. Like really really poofy. *POOF* And Ganon was a pig. . . Is that right!? Shannon has just informed meh that it is. . . heh heh heh. . .
I feel bad for the person who was Ganon's voice. That must really hurt to talk like that for a while. Maybe THAT'S why the show only has three known discs in existance. Either that, or the guy just has a really scary voice in real-life. . SMOKER VOICE!!
I'm not exactly sure if I'm using a consistent color of blue for my text. . . ooooh well! Oh yeah! And this one time, Zelda was using a bow, but no arrows!!! What's up with that!?! >>----->
Do the Mario!!